News & Announcements

Command Center

Command Center

Command Center is a brand-new area within FocalPoint Desktop that allows you to manage multiple aspects of your business operations. From Front Counter to Back Office, you will now have full control over your entire store(s) in one place!

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Visum will be at the 2025 ARA Rental Show in Las Vegas

Visum will be at the 2025 ARA Rental Show in Las Vegas

Come and meet the Visum staff at The 2025 ARA Rental Show in Las Vegas, NV. You can learn more about FocalPoint rental software, and get your questions answered live and in person. We hope to see you there!

January 30-February 1, 2025
Las Vegas Convention Center

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FocalPoint Software is Always There with Remote Access

FocalPoint Software is Always There with Remote Access

Are you confused by “cloud” terminology and catchphrases? Many options are available that allow you to use FocalPoint on-the-go.

Please use the information below to learn more about the available options for accessing FocalPoint Software from remote locations using from iOS and Android tablets as well as PC’s, so long as internet access is available.

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New Portal Invoice Payments in FocalPoint

New Portal Invoice Payments in FocalPoint

FocalPoint’s Online Customer Portal now allows you to offer your customers the option to make payments on their account online. Allow your customers to view their upcoming reservations, open contracts and accounts receivable balances online, as well as pay their open invoices, and view their running total.

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FocalPoint Introduces New Invoice Batching

FocalPoint Introduces New Invoice Batching

Do you have customers that lose invoices and need them resent, but all of the invoices are from different days and months? At the end of the month, do you have some customers that prefer to have all of their invoices sent to them at once? What about if it’s just bill day and you would like to send all customers their invoices, but always find it a hassle going one by one? Well, stress no more!

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Revised FocalPoint Statements Now Available

Revised FocalPoint Statements Now Available

The Statements Menu has now been redesigned for faster processing, saving you time! An additional “options” tab has been added which includes the ability to include details after a certain date, include paid invoices (on statement date), include zero balance, balances over a certain amount, as well as all balances, and exclude invoice details.

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Enhanced Asset Tracking Integration is Now in FocalPoint

Enhanced Asset Tracking Integration is Now in FocalPoint

Want to keep a closer eye on the exact location of your unit? How about your equipment’s hour/mileage meter or battery information? With our enhanced TrackUnit™ and Pedigree asset tracking integration, you have all that information displayed on your screen! Be at ease and feel reassured knowing your equipment is safe in the field.

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New Reports in FocalPoint

New Reports in FocalPoint

What if you wanted to find a report with a keyword search, or search a report preview for specific information or directly e-mail a report to a co-worker? These and other enhancements are available in the new reporting function, #4 from the main menu. The new...

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Revised FocalPoint Manual Billing Cycle

Revised FocalPoint Manual Billing Cycle

Newly redesigned, FocalPoint customers are now able to select multiple orders (or all orders) to be billed at one time, making cycle billing easier and faster.

You can also right click on a bill to process, print, preview, or open an order.

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New Overnight Reports in FocalPoint

New Overnight Reports in FocalPoint

FocalPoint now has 30 overnight reports that are available to print or export to PDF, Excel or CSF file formats. Reports can be configured using multiple filters and region/store options and can be set to run at variable intervals like daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.

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Request a Free Demonstration of FocalPoint

FocalPoint relieves stress by allowing you to manage customers, transactions, inventory, maintenance, work orders, reports and more – all on one platform!

Complete the form below to see a live demostration of FocalPoint and have your questions answered.

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